The FSE Bureau and staff at the stand. Photo: Ernest Geyer
EuroSpeleo Forum in the town of Caselle in Pittari, Salerna, Italy. Photo: Ernest Geyer
Entrance to the trade hall and conference rooms at the EuroSpeleo Forum. Photo: Ernest Geyer
The trade hall with equipment, books and shirts. Photo: Alena Gessert
Trade hall well visited. Photo: Ernest Geyer
10th European Expedition Symposiusm. The La Venta Esplorazioni Geografiche presentation. Photo: Henk Goutier
10th European Expdition Symposium. The room was often too small for attending the interesting presentations. Phot: Henk Goutier
10th European Expedition Symposium. One of the presentation on the North Peru Expedition by Dominik Fröhlich. Photo: Henk Goutier
The Bureau meeting of the FSE. From left to right: Jean Claude Thies, President - Alena Gessert, General Secretary - Ernest Geyer, Vice-Treasurer - Fedele Messina, Vice-Secretary - Henk Goutier, Treasurer - absent Christiane Meyer, Vice-President. Photo: Ernest Geyer.
Opening of the General Assembly of the FSE with a welcome speech by the president of the Società Speleologica Italiana ETS: Sergio Orsini. Photo: Ernest Geyer
The FSE Bureau at the FSE General Assemly. Photo: Alena Gessert
Delegates of several countries at the General Assembly of the FSE. Photo: Ernest Geyer
Group photo of the FSE Bureau and the delegates present at the General Assembly. Photo: Ernest Geyer
Informal meeting of the delegates to the FSE. Photo: Ernest Geyer
Big tent with the Speleo Bar at lunch time. Photo Ernest Geyer.
Preparing lunch at the Speleo Bar by the Italian clubs. Photo: Alena Gessert
Speleo Bar at night. Photo: Ernest Geyer
Big party at the Speleo Bar at night. Photo Ernest Geyer
Jean Claude Thies, president of the ECPC - European Cave Protection Commission announcing the winner of the EuroSpeleo protection Label 2024: Protection of the Balbonne cave in France. Photo: Ernest Geyer
Handing over the price to the French cave protection project: 200 meters of KORDA'S rope. Photo: Ernest Geyer
Handing over the Jury price for the Underground Visions Competition by Victor Ferrer and Rolf Siegenthaler a Scurion lamp. Photo: Ernest Geyer
Handing over the 1st price for the Underground Visions Competition by Victor Ferrer and Fedele Messina. 200 meters of KORDA'S rope. Photo: Ernest Geyer.
Handing over of the other prices for the Underground Vsions Competition: Equipment from Aventure Verticale. Photo: Ernest Geyer
The FSE Bureau at the stand. It was a great event. Photo: Ernest Geyer