Mission of the ECPC 

ECPC mission is to sustain the FSE efforts regarding cave and karst protection. The mission is grounded on the IUCN Guidelines for Cave and Karst Protection and the Habitats Directive (Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the Conservation of natural habitats and wild fauna and flora).

The aims and the objectives that result from this mission are specified in the ECPC Internal Regulations, being identified in the strategic objectives of the ECPC.

Objectives of the ECPC

According to ECPC Internal Regulations (version 2019) the objectives are defined as follows:


§ 5. ECPC is formed as an instrument of the FSE. Its objectives are in line with the FSE aims (Section 2, Article 5, FSE Statutes).

The ECPC objectives are, as follows:

(1). To concentrate collective activities, in order to place cave and karst protection to a priority level within the European concerns of preservation of natural and cultural heritage, i.e. bio- and geodiversity incl. the variety of habitats, species, geotopes, geosites.

(2). To combine the efforts of local speleological groups and national speleological organisations so  as to develop and implement common European good practices of cave and karst protection.

(3). To encourage and support local and national activities in order to assist speleologists in their interaction with public authorities.

(4). To develop the collaboration with the European Union specialized structures and other international institutions and organizations in the field of cave and karst protection.

(5). To set up a political lobby for cave and karst protection in Europe and to influence regulation, guidelines, supporting documents and directives in this field.

(6). To generate knowledge about the scientific values of caves and karst, in order to identify and promote suitable and effective methods of their preservation.

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