Applications for EuroSpeleo Projects in 2025

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The deadline for sending in applications for Eurospeleo Projects taking place in 2024 has expired on the 30th April 2024. We will therefore no longer accept applications for 2024. The FSE will now support 8 projects in 2024 (see:

For projects taking place in the first half of 2025 you can apply until the deadline of 31st October 2024. Please make sure that you read the Guidelines and Application Form for applying in 2025 carefully. Applications that do not meet the guidelines and are not complete with the required information will be rejected. Evaluation of the applications will be done within a month after the deadline of 31st October.

EuroSpeleo Projects funds activities related to cave & karst research and exploration in Europe and worldwide locations. Projects can be granted with a maximum of € 800 and additional items from the FSE sponsors Aventure Verticale (equipment), Korda’s (rope) and Scurion (lamp).

We invite every individual, club, local organisation and national commission or federation who is member of an organisation being an FSE member to apply for a EuroSpeleo Project.