More than three decades of the European Speleological Federation FSE
The European Speleological Federation FSE is an international organisation of european member countries (also being member of the Council of Europe and the United Nations) and are represented by their national organisations. The FSE, formerly FSCE (CE stands for European Community) then FSUE (UE stands for European Union), was founded in 1990 in Udine, Italy, promotes sport and scientific speleology.
In 1990 speleological organisations from Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, The Netherlands, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain set the basis of the federation in a spirit of mutual collaboration and speleological development. The FSE encompasses speleology in all its forms.
The FSE is actually composed of 31 member countries, is governed by a board and sets up and organises all activities and structures necessary to reach its goals in order to promote speleology and cave and karst protection.
In 2008 the actual name was born as European Speleological Federation (FSE) Fédération Spéléologique Européenne (FSE) and became a non-profit organisation based in Luxembourg-Ville in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. From this moment on all countries that belong to the Council of Europe can become a member of the FSE. The FSE is patronized by the International Union of Speleology UIS.
Here you can download the History and future activities of the European Speleological Federation FSE
Here you can download an overview of the FSE Bureau Composition since 1990