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V Iberian Meeting of Underground Biology

November 15 - November 17

After a few years of absence, we resume holding this event, with the main objective is to be a meeting place for specialists and fans of the underground environment in where we can share, analyze and debate the results of work and research that has been done.

The topics it addresses are diverse, such as exploration, conservation, biodiversity or the management of underground heritage, among others. All of them of maximum interest, due to the constant increase in natural and anthropogenic pressures on underground ecosystems, which put at risk their stability and, with it, their own conservation and that of the cultural and natural heritage they contain.

You can send in your work and register now for the V Iberian Meeting of Underground Biology that will be held in Nerja, Málaga, Spain. The event takes place from 15-17 November 2024.

More info in spanish at: https://cuevadenerja.es/v-encuentro-iberico-de-biologia-subterranea/


November 15
November 17


Fundación Cueva de Nerja
Instituto de Investigación Cueva de Nerja


Museo de Nerja
Plaza de España 4
Nerja, Malaga 29780 Spain
+ Google Map

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